
Scheduling Policy


I started Ivy League Training to teach. Looking for a motivator? I’m here. Looking for a trainer? I’m here. Looking for an ear to listen while you smash weights, I’ll be here for that too. I love training and you should love working out! The gym shouldn’t have a “do not enter” sign planted in your psych, but a “show up, to show up” attitude. I expect honesty about your diet and I expect maximum effort in your workouts. If I get those two things, then your expectations of results are guaranteed.

“Results come over time, not over night!” is our motto! Weight loss & gain both take time. As long as you stick to the game plan, we will accomplish our fitness goals together!

Sessions are 60 minutes (unless you purchase 30 minutes)

Workouts include HIIT, Strength training, Conditioning & Cardio Kickboxing.

Scheduling Policy: Please arrive on time! It is courteous to the clients before & after you that you arrive on time! Arrive 15 minutes late or later, will results in a cancellation and/or only receiving the remaining time for your session. It is up to the trainer & gym to decide to train with a late client, services can be refused.